Open Notebook Todo

Notebook Todo

There are a few things to think about further and fix for the notebook:

  • [ ] Finding a better way to handle internal linking.
  • [ ] Figure out a better method for maintaining _post and _md files and keep in sync for easier local reading and scanning.


Todo Lists

I often write to-do lists in Markdown, especially for things I plan to go through systematically. Borrowing from Lincoln Mullen, I have a way to quickly scan my to-do lists. In Markdown, my lists look like this:

{% highlight text %} - [ ] Not started - [s] Started - [x] Finished {% endhighlight%}

Which results in:

  • [ ] Not started
  • [s] Started
  • [x] Finished

I’m using this script, which relies on jQuery:

{% highlight javascript %}

<script type="text/javascript">
  /* <![CDATA[ */
  \$(document).ready(function() {    
    \$("li:contains('[ ]')").html(function(_, html) {
      return html.replace('[ ]', '<span style="color:red;">☐</span>');
    \$("li:contains('[s]')").html(function(_, html) {
      return html.replace('[s]', '<span style="color:gold;">☐</span>');
    \$("li:contains('[x]')").html(function(_, html) {
      return html.replace('[x]', '<span style="color:green;">☑</span>');
  /* ]]> */

{% endhighlight%}